داستان آبیدیک

sodium bentonite


1 متالوژی:: سدیم بنتونیت

There are 16 terms currently used in industrial circle - china clay or kaolin, ball clay, fire clay, sodium bentonite, calcium bentonite or pascalite, attapulgite or fuller's earth, brick clay, stoneware clay, pipe clay, roofing tile clay, pottery clay, terracotta clay, terracotta clay shale, brick-making clay shale, flint clay and pozzolanic clay. In the original system, 15 of the 16 currently used types of clay (china clay or kaolin, ball clay, fire clay, sodium bentonite, calcium bentonite or pascalite, attapulgite or fuller's earth, brick clay, stoneware clay, pipe clay, roofing tile clay, pottery clay, terracotta clay, terracotta clay shale, brick-making clay shale, flint clay and pozzolanic clay) were accounted for. (1) Swelling (sodium bentonite) In USA, only sodium bentonite is regarded as bentonite proper, whereas calcium bentonite or pascalite (also called in both USA and UK as "calcium montmorillonite") and attapulgite are referred to as two types of fuller's earth. Depending on whether sodium or calcium is the dominant exchangeable base, bentonite is called sodium bentonite or calcium bentonite.

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